1:54 AM
New Delhi , Jan 21 -

4 people were sentenced to death on behalf of the partners Birthdays Writ petition filed in the Supreme Court was told today on the final verdict .

4 of the Supreme Court reduced the sentence to life imprisonment the death tirplittatu . 4 people were saved from the noose .

The death sentence was reduced to life imprisonment by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court b. Sathasivam and Justice Ranjan Tuki 's verdict on the following: -

4 Birthdays associates were sentenced to death are sent to the President for clemency . Very late decision on the mercy petition . Delay the decision on the mercy petition reduced to life imprisonment the death of 4 people .

A prisoner sentenced to death by hanging him on a daily basis while keeping in turn affected mentally . Execution of prisoners incarcerated in solitary place .

This is a kind citravataitan them . It is the biggest atrocity . Prison officials tortured them, so they should not be held in a separate room . Thus , abused his mind . Rejected his plea for clemency to death row prisoners will be executed in 14 days .

Realistic convicted felon , to make peace with God , family and his final wishes as to the will , to fulfill the duties provided for in this 14- day time .

Mercy petition to the president , rejection of kavarnaro information about the execution of the prisoner , who must tell his family . Before execution of the prisoner and his family must meet to be organized.

Punishment on the basis of the laws they want to see them than to see it in terms of human rights .

The judge has ruled .

This tirppaiye Writ petition filed in the Supreme Court , based on the execution of 15 prisoners had been reduced to life imprisonment, the judges said today .

  கருணை மனு நிராகரிக்கப்பட்ட 14 நாட்களுக்குள் மரண தண்டனை நிறைவேற்றப்பட வேண்டும்: சுப்ரீம் கோர்ட் SC notifies death convict must be hanged within 14 days after dismissal of mercy petition 


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