2:07 AM
Thailand 's capital Bangkok and in the chest area above the woman , who appears to be a snake in the lower part of the day , thousands of people waiting in line to see the fairy girl, the news has caught the attention of Asian media .

May now be 8 years old girl named Li- Fe snake emergence of the lower part of her body at birth , from the head to the chest area and her parents say they were human emergence .

Freak as it appears in the world is very, very rare experts indicates that the elementary body , the physical layout of the conflicting medical index , ' cerpentocis meliyanarkis ' or ' Jing Jing disease significantly .

This conflicts with the nature of the work, so far no treatments have been found to relieve the country 's medical expert, Dr. Ping Lau , who has been in Thailand .

Le Fay may snake woman - to see the place , touching her body in the eyes Hindu , Buddhists , thousands of local and foreign people from early morning until midnight daily kalkatukka There are long lines .

They paid tribute to the bride's family income , short luxuriant growth and quality of life . However , their peace , solace Le Fay may be missing - a close relative who told Thai television channel .


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