9:16 PM
Lahore , Jan . 20 -

In the Punjab province of Pakistan , rahimyarkan district , belonged to the Bastille mavusakuniya Cuttack . His 9- year-old daughter was playing in front of the house last Thursday suddenly missing . Magical girl, police were searching for her relatives .

Meanwhile, yesterday, the girl was found dead under mysterious circumstances in vayalvelippakuti . The police seized the corpse was taken to the government hospital in Kanpur . However , the doctor refused to perform the inquest , the girl's relatives were involved in the fight . The girl's body was made after autopsy .
Then , it was revealed that the girl was raped and killed .

Police are searching for the killers . Note that the dead girl belonged to the Hindu religion . Hindus are a minority in Pakistan . Most of them have been living in Pakistan's Sindh province . Abduction of women from minority communities are facing similar issues .

Baluchistan province has a substantial fraction of the Hindu people . The last few years they have been hit by terrorists and criminals .


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