12:08 AM

Oommen Chandy's condition stable

The condition of the Chief Minister Oomen Chandy, who was admitted to Medical College Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram after being injured in stone-pelting at Kannur, is stable.

All his scheduled programmes for three days, including mass contact programme at Kollam on Tuesday, stands cancelled as doctors have advised him rest. The mass contact programme will now be held on October 31.

Governor Nikhil Kumar, opposition leader V.S. Achuthanandan, several Ministers including Aryadan Mohammed, K.C. Joseph and other dignitaries visited him at the hospital.

The police have taken more than 20 persons into custody in connection with the attack on the Chief Minister. Home Minister Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan has called a conference of higher officials to discuss the developments including strengthening of security for the Chief Minister. Mr. Chandy suffered injuries on the face and chest in Sunday's attack.


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