6:41 AM

Benefits of different types of Indian rice

by vijigermany
Benefits of different types of Indian rice

Rice is a staple food in most Indian homes. However, there are different varieties of Rice available in our country, Basmati Rice, Brown rice and White rice. Let us understand the health benefits of these three varieties.


The milling and polishing processes of white rice removes most of the important vitamins and other nutrients from it.

So WHO suggests and recommends that white rice be fortified with important vitamins and mineral premixes, as polished rice is nothing more than refined starch.

Further research is required to build the evidence-base on the use of fortified rice and to develop global technical guidelines for rice fortification. Health benefits include:

Gastrointestinal: White rice is one of the easiest and quickest foods to digest and requires only an hour to completely digest. Since white rice is low in fibre, it is very soothing to the digestive system and easily digested. So, it is great for relieving digestive disorders like diarrhoea, dysentery, colitis and even morning sickness. It is the best food for infants, young children and old people.
Overall energy: the body needs carbohydrates to function and white rice is an excellent source of energy.
Protein: Every 150g of rice has about 5 grams of protein.

Rice powder is also used externally as a soothing powder in cases of skin inflammation such as small-pox, measles, prickly heat, burns and scalds.

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